• Chartered Surveyors & Property Professionals

Situated off Langham Road


Sold STC

land - agricultural for sale in Hogsthorpe, Lincolnshire

Willsons are pleased to be able to offer for sale 6.11 acres of productive arable land which has been well farmed by the outgoing tenant in an arable rotation.

The land benefits from having direct road frontage access onto Langham Road and is of a manageable size to be used for amenity purposes, subject to obtaining the necessary consents.

For Sale by Informal Tender

Closing Date: 12 noon Wednesday 25th September 2024


The land is situated approximately half a mile to the west of Hogsthorpe village, Lincolnshire. The land has direct road frontage access onto Langham Road being publicly maintained highway.

What3words Location: taxpayers.without.usages


The Freehold interest in the land is being offered for sale with full vacant possession upon completion. The outgoing tenant has confirmed vacant possession shall be provided on or before 30th September 2024 and the land shall be left as bare stubble.


The land is scheduled as Grade 3 by the Agricultural Land Classification of England and Wales and the land is level lying.

The soil type as defined by the Soil Survey of England and Wales is “Wallasea 2”.


All of the land is registered with the Rural Payments Agency, however, there are no Basic Payment Scheme Entitlements included in the sale as they are no longer transferable.


The field is due to be affected by the Outer Dowsing Offshore Windfarm project (ODOW) and the Option Agreement for the works has been signed by the current owners. The associated Easement payments are set out below:
•Incentive and Option Payments – Retained by current owners
•Entry payment in the sum of £6,115.20 – Benefit of purchaser/s
•Completion payment in the sum of £1,747.20 – Benefit of purchaser/s

ODOW contractors are due to undertake one trial trench on the land for archaeological purposes in September 2024. All other payments relating to works undertaken by ODOW from the date of completion of sale shall be passed on to the purchaser/s.

The area of land to be taken for the works is to total 1.22 acres (0.49 hectares) with a final Easement area totalling 0.91 acres (0.37 hectares). Further details can be obtained from the selling agent.


The land is clearly demarcated by boundary features, being predominantly hedges, open water courses and ditches. The purchaser is deemed to have full knowledge of all boundaries and neither the vendor nor the selling agent will be responsible for defining the boundaries nor their ownership.


The land has a benefit of a comprehensive under draining scheme which was undertaken in September 2010. Original copies of the drainage plan can be supplied to perspective purchases if requested; underdrainage plan detailed within these sales particulars.


We are not aware that there are any mains services connected to the land.


Annual drainage rates are payable to Lindsey Marsh Drainage Board. The land lies within an S368 Nitrogen Vulnerable Zone as designated by the environment agency.


Sporting, timber and mineral rights are included in the sale insofar as they are owned, subject to statutory exclusions.


The land is sold subject to and with the help and benefit of all existing rights, including rights of way whether public or private, light, support, drainage, water and electricity supplies and other rights, easements, and all wayleaves whether referred to or not in these particulars.


These have been prepared as accurately as possible and are based on Ordnance Survey Plans and although believed to be correct are for guidance and identification purposes only.


These particulars constitute a permit to view the land at any reasonable time of day with a copy of these sales particulars to hand. Neither the vendor, agent or outgoing tenant accept any responsibility for any loss, harm or injury which may occur whilst upon the land and you enter entirely at your own risk.


It is understood that the sale will not attract VAT, however, in the event that any of the property is sold subject to VAT, this will be payable in addition to the purchase price.


In accordance with the most recent Anti Money Laundering legislation the purchaser will be required to provide proof of identity and proof of funds to the selling agent once an offer has been submitted and accepted (subject to contract) prior to solicitors being instructed.


Lincolnshire County Council, Newlands, Lincoln, LN1 1YW – Tel: 01522 552222
East Lindsey District Council, The Hub, Mareham Road, Horncastle, Lincolnshire,
LN9 6PH – Tel: 01507 601111
Lindsey Marsh Drainage Board, Manby Park, Wellington House, Manby, Louth,
LN11 8UU – Tel: 01507 328095


The property is offered for sale by Informal Tender and best and final offers (subject to contract only) should be made in writing upon the attached form (with the terms on the reverse) in a sealed envelope marked “Hogsthorpe Tender” in the top left hand corner to the Agents: Willsons, 124 West Street, Alford, Lincolnshire, LN13 9DR or by email to jackb@willsons-property.co.uk, subject “Hogsthorpe Tender” to arrive no later than 12 noon Wednesday 25th September 2024

•It is the responsibility of potential purchasers to ensure that post and email submissions have been received by the agent.

•All offers should be stated in £ sterling and it is recommended that offers are made for an odd figure to avoid the possibility of duplicate bids.

•Escalating offers or offers made by reference to other offers will not be accepted.

•The vendor does not undertake to accept the highest or indeed any particular offer.

•The purchaser will be required to provide proof of funds.

•The purchaser will be expected to exchange contracts and complete the purchase without any undue delay.

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